Wednesday, June 20, 2012

McCain: Boxing 'corrupt', in need of regulation

Could somebody tell McCain that everybody knows boxing is run by the mob, is fixed and is a corrupt... so is the NBA... and that we don't want a government who is run by the mob, is fixed and corrupt in there making it more mob-like, ineptly fixed and more corrupt. John, time to go home or at least shut up.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

What Compassion Really Is ... We All Need To Be Reminded

"A compassionate person is not one who does for others what they must do for themselves in order to grow. A compassionate person is not one who jumps in and takes over or one who gives to the point of exhaustion or depletion. A truly compassionate person is one who can feel what you feel because they are one with you in mind, body, and spirit, not out of obligation or a false sense of responsibility."

"A compassionate person is one who understands what you are going through and, rather than joining with you in your suffering and fear, sees for you the lesson, the blessing, and the victory at the end. A compassionate person does not join in the victim mentality of blaming others; instead they will stand strong with you, supporting you through the acceptance of the situation. The compassionate person knows with you, for you, and when necessary in spite of you, that all things work together for your good. It takes vision to be compassionate."

By: Lisa Prodywus

Friday, July 1, 2011

Memories of Paris ...

This story has been told a bunch of times and I was reminded on each occasion that it is never as funny as it is in my mind, but anyway, this picture brought back a rush of memories. One warm Summer not so long ago, I was staying in a beautiful apartment near the Bastille with a beautiful women from Denver ... It was my routine to run out in the morning before she awakened and buy fresh bread, flowers, maybe a cheese or two and some just picked cherries for a late, lazy breakfast ... It took courage, of sorts, to hop in a fast-moving line of locals as they bought their bread and jogged off to the underground and work ... My presence slowed the line as I pointed to my still warm baguette, fumbled and held out an open hand full of various coins and bills ... I yearned to "blend' and to order and pay with the same rhythm as those who speed through this ritual every morning ... I practiced and practiced, culling away the Southern accent from my meager French ... The day came when I would "blend."

I didn't go to my regular bread shop but cruised over to a boulangeries-pâtisseries de France, a fabulous bakery, near the home of Victor Hugo, located under the arcades of Place des Vosges. It is one of the most beautiful and comfortable locations in Paris. As I marched into the shop, I announced my command of the French language by greeting everyone in the small shop with a perfectly pitched, "Bonjour! Bonjour!" It is the custom to sing out your "hello" in these neighborhood shops. Not to is rude.

My target was a Chaussons-aux-pommes, the Apple slippers or "turnovers" as we know them. They are beautifully decorated in pasty designs and smell like heaven. I ordered in French! I paid in French! I was a brother of General Lafayette and as French as a boy born in Newnan, Georgia could be at that moment. I received my très bien! My bon appétit! But I passed on the white, crisp tissues and bag used to conserve the oven heat in this treasure. I planned to walk out to the garden square, sit with the ghost of Jean Valjean and have my way with this hard-earned delight.

The warm smell flowed up around my head. It was the gastronomic version of a beautiful woman standing in the back-lit doorway in a thin négligée. I could not wait. I immediately chomped down as I backed away from the counter.

The next few seconds were filled with searing pain from a four-inch splash of 3,000 degree apple filling and juice that shot up my cheek! I hopped around the shop like an eleven year old girl who had just seen her first really big spider. I saw my woman's eyes drop and I could actually hear the counter staff's eyes role in their sockets. I was Gerald Ford prancing down the air-stairs of Air Force One and falling flat on his face. I would have given anything at that point to be able to disappear or go up in a blue flame.

The wonderful woman by my side regained our composure - she had enough for both of us. She dabbed away the Pomme Flambé, gazed, for brief second, at the remarkable red strip up my face and never mentioned it again. I know where the shop is. I will go back there some day, retrieve my dignity and take my time with the foreplay required by a hot French apple. C'est la vie

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York State Senate Approved A Bill Authorizing Same Sex "Marriage"

Tonight The New York State Senate Approved A Bill Authorizing Same Sex "Marriage" - I Agree With Their Decision
by Rocky Coggins on Friday, June 24, 2011 at 11:44pm
Honestly, for several years I have been puzzled by this debate. It is like a "debate" concerning equality for women or among humans or equal pay or free speech, on and on. What debate? In these matters I come down on the side of freedom and equal treatment under the law. These Rights are unalienable and not subject to The State in the first place.
    The Law passed with Republican Party support after language was included that protected the free exercise of religious beliefs and customs of all the World's religions and codified the respect for their meaning of the word "marriage." The Law prohibits the imposition of same sex definitions upon religious groups and individuals and prohibits the legal harassment by radical, mean-spirited activist upon the free exercise of religious worship as one sees fit.
      Marriage continues to have a legal meaning as a contract under law and a secular and religious meaning as the foundation of society, kinship and family.
        My past apprehension has been that some professing to love liberty and equality are lying and are using the struggle for equality as a smokescreen for retribution or as a scam, i.e., affirmative action programs or court-ordered racial hiring quotas - ill conceived mandates/State sponsored inequality. I am sure that was the case with some that voted for this bill in New York and certainly the Mafia hack that is now the Democrat Governor. But, wrong reasons sometimes yield a result founded in Truth. Others voted their conscience as we all must when we encounter these human issues.
          I think it is unfortunate that hateful activist had to make the word "Marriage" an issue when "Civil Unions" would have been a more descriptive term fitting the concept of equal treatment under the law. "Marriage" is a Latin derivative that over thousands of years has taken on a religious meaning. Insisting on the disrespect for that tradition was counter-productive and seems just to be "rubbing the religious faithful's noses in it." Tacky, stupid and will continue to be a sore point that could have been avoided.

          Friday, June 3, 2011

          Hypocrisy. Hard Swallow When You Get Caught In Your Own Hypocrisy - All You Can Do Is Admit It!

          Several weeks ago I had a conversation with a women where I work. She mentioned that she was or was hoping to go to Cuba. I am the only one in this office who lived through the Cuban Communist enslavement and the betrayal of the Cuban people. Adding to my reaction was the fact that I have a close friend who served in the Bay of Pigs invasion, shook with fear when the Russians put missiles in Cuba to kill me within 5 minutes and endured the flood of Cuban murders, thieves and psychotic thugs released in Florida and Georgia by that idiot, Jimmy Carter. Disregarding the crimes against the Cuban people then and now will get an immediate comment from an opinionated and supposedly engaged person as I seek to be. Challenging and confronting hypocrisy, in others, is the air I breathe.
          This young woman turned to me and said "Didn't you just get back from China." "Didn't you love it." It was shattering. My roof caved in and I felt sick. China, of course is one, if not, the most inhumane, murderous and criminally governed nations on the Planet (I am not sure North Korea is an actual nation).
          While in China, it became obvious to me that the Chinese people have the long view. They have been murdered, enslaved and exploited by the regimes and conquerors who have ruled that land for the last 5,000 years. The current, old thugs in Beijing have only been there since 1947 ... mere "seconds" in the life of China. Communist or Mongol: it makes little difference to the Chinese people ... Despots are all the same.

          The people are no more communist than I am. But neither are the Cuban people. I couldn't even find a Red Communist flag to buy as a souvenir in China - they don't sell them in the markets. These facts are no excuse but did expose how my view could be manipulated by my bias. I really like the Chinese people; their beauty, kindness and politeness masks the horrors that some of their countrymen have to endure. There is no one to apologize to; so I apologize to our common “Search For The Truth” and hope to live up to the standard of intellectual integrity that I ask of others. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy.

          Monday, May 23, 2011

          Who Believes That The Destruction Of Israel Will Yield "Peace in Our Time?"

          Heard this today and thought it offered some clarity to the situation. Let's say we sit down at a table with the Taliban, Abu Nidal Organization, al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Hezbollah and a few other groups in an effort to end the war, hatred and murder that now burdens civilization. We ask these groups what we can do to end this age-old conflict pitting the Muslim and the Non-Muslim Worlds against one another.

          In unison, the groups demand the removal of State of Israel and the Jewish people from the Middle East. We agree and tell the Israelis' that in the interest of a final peace, they must again leave their natural homeland and disburse to the four corners of the earth.

          Who believes that this will yield "Peace in Our Time" and that these groups will then disband and settle to the peaceful competition by the World's religions for the souls of all the peoples of the Earth? Who among us believes it?

          In Arabic, the word 'Islam' means submission or surrender to God as "articulated by the Qur’an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God." The characteristic which ties all these groups together is an interpretation of Islam as requiring the conversion of infidels and non-believers to Islam, subjugation to Koranic Law or, if God and the word of God is resisted, to be killed. There are many conflicts with this interpretation in the Qur’an but it is the most widely held belief and is basic to being a Muslim. Infidels are an unacceptable affront to God and his word whether a Muslim does ones religious duty or not.

          Dhimmitude is an "ideology of jihad formulated by Muslim theologians from the eighth century onward. It separates humanity into two hostile blocks — the community of Muslims, and the infidels. According to this ideology, Allah commands the Muslims to conquer the whole world in order to apply Koranic laws. Hence, Muslims must wage a perpetual war against the infidels who refuse to submit. Its principle is based on the inequality between the community of Allah and the infidels. The first is a superior group, whose mission it is to rule the world. The second must submit."

          Israel is not the problem and never has been. Israel is the excuse. My conclusion is that whether one is a radical Christian or a radical Muslim that there is no room for an opposing view of the Word of God. The difference is that Christ, while on earth, was a man of peace, a teacher and that Muhammad, while on earth, was a warrior commanded by his God, through all time, to bring his interpretation of God's word and law to every single human on the Planet. The disadvantage defines our current World and assures generations of bloodshed.

          Tuesday, May 17, 2011

          Blame May Ease the Guilt Of What We Have Done To This Great Nation But As POGO Says "We have met the enemy and he is us"

          I always cringe when I hear this mantra. "Look at the Congress and the lobbying in Washington.  There is the problem.  Big corporations and big money run the country.  Special interest, large corporations and lobbyist run your country. Even the news media only report what they want you to know" ...  What a passive, defeatist and irresponsible act of self-delusion and complicity.

          The last line, in quotes, has some truth to it.  The National Socialist in the 30's certainly seized on the power of the State propaganda machine and burned that plan into the agenda of the current day socialist.  That powerful tool of despots is often given to much credit and too little critical thinking.  We have a growing and healthy competition of ideas in print, electronically and over the air waves.  State control is getting more difficult day by day while the real responsibility rest with the citizens too lazy, distracted or uninformed to take the time to discern the lies from the half-lies. 

          We have a corrupt, sickening, amoral Press in this Nation because we buy it and we demand it just as we have cocaine because we demand it.  Everybody may well hate the drug dealer but he is needed by many and protected by more.  Same with the media.  They give you your dose of bullshit and you don't think and don't have to think.  We are the problem as much as the dealers and the propagandist.  They prosper by nurturing the useful fool.

          "We get the government we deserve" and blaming it on/scapegoating some mythical, spooky, unnamed "corporations" and politicians is a cop-out.  As Pogo said "We have met the enemy and he is us."  This mess, these corrupt businesses and a "corrupter" government are of our own making.  No amount of false blame can take that fact away nor forgive us for wasting a God given chance to be different from history.  We were not helpless, we just acted that way. 

          We handed our Republic over to the scum of the Earth.  We gave up on our children's education and left it to corrupt, greedy and undedicated union bosses.  We allowed every demigod who wanted to keep alive the insanity of racism to do it and to profit by it while enslaving the previously enslaved.  We allowed our Nation's traditions to be sacrificed to the whims of a group of radical fools filled with hatred and envy. 

          There is no grand conspiracy; there are those working night and day for the destruction of this Republic.  There is no "mythical corporation" executing a master plan for the Nation; there are corrupt hordes of businesses finding it easier to bride, extort and intimated rather than competing in the marketplace.  There is no great cabal of politicians and their cronies pulling the strings on every minute of your life; There are sleazy politicians, national socialist, Marxist and communist union bosses who will lie, cheat, steal and murder to kept the power and money that they worship.  But the real villain is looking down on these words.

          While the bogey-man may ease the guilt of the crime it is still a crime in what we have done to this great Nation.  "We have met the enemy and he is us" as Pogo long ago said.  We have a choice to make; do we take it back or do we ooze into oblivion.